CV Laiwon SEO
Laiwon Seo
Head Professor Department of Game Engineering PAICHAI University
☞ Mailing Address
439-6, Doma-dong, Seo-Gu
Daejeon, 302-735, KOREA
TEL : +82-42-520-5406
FAX : +82-42-520-5789
- 1995, Ph. D. in Info. and Comm., Lyon II University, France
- 1987, Master in Info. and Comm., Lyon II University
- 1985, Bachelor in Info. and Comm., Lyon II University
- 1983, Bachelor in French Language and Literature, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Serious Game, Game Artificial Intelligence
- Game Natural Interface, HCI, UX, UI
- Natural Language Processing, Search Engine
- 2013 - present, Head Professor, Department of Game Engineering (Paichai University)
- 2007 - 2009, Director, Center for Teaching & Learning (Paichai University)
- 2013 - present, Member of Planning & Mediation Committee, Center for Woman in Science, Engineering and Technology(WISET)
- 2005 - 2006, Visiting Professor, Laval University, Canada
- 2004 - present, Professor, Department of Game Engineering (Paichai University)
- 1998 - 2003, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science (Paichai University)
- 2000 - 2004, Executive Director, Association of French Culture Studies and the Arts in France (cfaf.or.kr)
- 1995 - 1998, Senior Researcher of ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea)
- 1991 - 1995, Manager, S.I.R.(Soutien d’informatique pour la recherche) of Lyon II University, France
- 1992 - 1995, Part-time Instructor (Department Info. & Comm. of Lyon III University, France)
- 1988 - 1991, Research assistant (MIAOU of Lyon II University, France)
- Study on the Context Awareness that the Order Search System in a Distributed Computing Environment, 2015
- Hybrid Health Care System Designs in a Wireless Network Environment, 2015
- SLM using GIS data formats for 3D virtual model of research, 2014
- Smart table interface design based on multi-touch, 2014
- Multimedia search system in a distributed computing environment, 2013
- Study of KINECT based 3D Holographic and Gesture, 2013
- Research of Integrated Interface System based on Multi-touch and Speech : Google Earth, 2012
- Base de données Gustave Guillaume v2.0 avec l´integration site mobile MGustave, 2012
- LBP based image retrieval system, 2011
- A Study of Modeling Skill for 3D Tour Program, 2010
- Relationships among Game Addiction, Self-Directed Learning and School Adjustment Behaviors by Game Genre, 2010
- 3D Virtual Reality System - PaiChai Univ Campus tour system, 2008
- Relations among Study Group Activity, Self-Directed Learning and School Adjustment Behaviors in College Students, 2008
- Base de données Gustave Guillaume, 2006
- Learning Mangement System for Cyber University, 2004
- Design and Implementation of a Java ORB, 2004
- Dictionnaire FKT-DynaDic pour un systeme d´Aide de la traduction Franco-coréen FK-Tranassis, 2003
- Aide de la traduction automatique Franco-Coréen, 2002
- Systeme de l´enseignement a distance pour l´université cybernique, 2001
- Preprocessing of the French Sentence for Multilingual Information Processing, 2000
- An Ontology for a Content-based Expert System Document Categorization, 1998
- 뻔뻔한 안드로이드, 생능출판, ISBN 978-89-7050-805-4, 2014.2.
- 게임개발자를 위한 도식화 프로그래밍 3DVIA Virtools 5.0, 배재대학교 출판부, ISBN 978-89-6332-010-6, 2009.12.
- 초보자를 위한 그래픽스 디자인 Virtools 쉽게 배우기, 배재대학교 출판부, ISBN 978-89-6332-000-7, 2008.12.
- 무들활용입문, (주)북스힐, ISBN 978-89-5526-430-2, 2007.12.
- Softimage XSI 마스터하기 I, 배재대학교 출판부, ISBN 89-87036-55-3, 2005.12.
- C 프로그래밍 언어(C by Dissection) - 분석적 접근 방법, 한티미디어, ISBN 89-95324-33-3, 2004.2
CREATION (more...) |
1985 - 1987 |
"Table de Conjugaison", Pierre DUPONT, SEO Laiwon, 15 September 1987, Computer-Linguistic Laboratory of University LUMIERE-Lyon II.
1989 - 1990 |
"Création des polices de caractères IPA(International Phonetic Alphabetic) en FONTOGRAPHER", Gilbert PUECH, SEO Laiwon, June 1990, Laboratory LAPHOLIA (LAboratoire de PHOnétique et LInguistique Africaine)
1989 - 1992 |
"Projet de Multimédia Proto-Bantu", J.-M. HOMBERT, SEO Laiwon (with M. Mouele, J. Brogniart, etc...), September 1992, SIR (Soutien d'Informatique pour la Recherche) of University LUMIERE-Lyon II.
- Atlas Linguistique Fang
- Base de données Proto-Bantu
- Singe Multimédia
1991 - 1992 |
"AMRFC Analyseur morpho-syntaxique pour la reconnaissance des formes conjuguées", SEO Laiwon, SEO Laiwon, January 1992, SIR
1990 - 1995 |
"A.P.S. : Analyseur de la Phrase Simple", M. LE GUERN, SEO Laiwon, 30 January 1995,
Laboratory CERSI(Centre d'études et de recherches
en sciences de linformation / R & D Center for
Information Sciences) of ENSSIB(Ecole nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothéques / National Advanced School of Information and
Library sciences).
1996 |
데이터베이스 서비스 시스템 개발 제3차년, 김명준(ETRI, S/W연구부 부장), 서래원 외 DB연구실원, 1996년 12월, 정통부.
1997 - 1998 |
내용기반 멀티미디어 정보검색 시스템 개발 제1차년, 김명준(ETRI, S/W연구부 부장), 서래원 외 자연어처리연구실원, 진행중, 정통부.
1999 |
Paichai University lecture material (CD title) production
- Visual Basic training course
- C language training course
- Expert system
- Artificial intelligence |
2000 |
Study on Development of Curriculum for the Korea Cyber University
2000 - 2001 |
Korea Research Foundation,
Development venture of university multimedia contents
"The Comprehension of Internet and Electronic Commerce"
2001 - 2002 |
Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency,
Development and operation project of new subject
"The Electronic Payment System"
2003 |
Small and Medium Business Administration,
Academic-industrial joint technology development consortium
"Development of Automatic Request and Response BBS System"
2004 |
Institute of Information Technology Assessment,
The reorganization project for a course of study
of Division of Information Technology(IT) Engineering
"Visual Programming Virtual Lab / Materials Development"
2004 |
Institute of Information Technology Assesment,
An enhanced contents project
"The Electronic Payment System(enhanced course)"
2004 |
Small and Medium Business Administration, Academic-industrial joint technology development consortium
"Compression Encoding Technology Development for Efficient Digital Educational Content using Window Media 9" |
2005 |
Joint research with Laval University(Canada)
"Base de données Gustave Guillaume" |
2007 - 2009 |
Small and Medium Business Administration, Academic cooperation project
"Development of Multi-platform Converter for Mobile Content" |
2013 - 2014 |
Small and Medium Business Administration, Academic-industrial collaborative technology development
"Multi-touch table conference system" |
2014 - 2015 |
Small and Medium Business Administration, Academic-industrial collaborative technology development
"365 Hybrid Home Care Health Services" |